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Portfolio / Wireframing



Notre-Dame Hospital(NDH)


Proof of Concept for

NDH Responsive website

My Responsibilities:

To create wireframes for the development of NDH Responsive Website prototype.


Basically, this was a group assignment while I had been pursuing UXD program at Humber college. The assignment was to create a responsive web prototype of the existing NDH non-responsive website, so that it can be officially proposed to the client. The assignment was divided among group of five members, wherein my task was to create the wireframes of homepage and donation page based on the research outcomes produced by some of my team members.

I have gone through the report of reach outcomes, empathised the users goals, insights, pain points, and expectations out of the report, and then created the wireframes. I have also considered the clients expectations, and the technical limitations before kick starting the wireframe design. This task has a very challenging and interesting to me. It has taught me how to do an effective and efficient wire framing under certain conditions.


> Desktop

This homepage wireframe has been designed based on the research outcomes of user interviews and surveys and also by considering the technical limitations and possibilities of contemporary Web Technologies.


> Tablet

This homepage wireframe has been designed based on the research outcomes of user interviews and surveys and also by considering the technical limitations and possibilities of contemporary Web Technologies.


> Mobile

This homepage wireframe has been designed based on the research outcomes of user interviews and surveys and also by considering the technical limitations and possibilities of contemporary Web Technologies.



> Desktop

This Donation page wireframe has been designed based on the research outcomes of user interviews and surveys and also by considering the technical limitations and possibilities of contemporary Web Technologies.

Asset 1_3x.png

> Tablet

This Donation page wireframe has been designed based on the research outcomes of user interviews and surveys and also by considering the technical limitations and possibilities of contemporary Web Technologies.

Asset 1_3x.png

> Mobile

This Donation page wireframe has been designed based on the research outcomes of user interviews and surveys and also by considering the technical limitations and possibilities of contemporary Web Technologies.

Asset 2_3x.png

Thank You!

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