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Portfolio / Prototyping



Smart Home App - Paper Prototype


This is one of my academic projects while I was pursuing UXD program at Humber College. I was assigned to design an interactive paper prototype of a simple mobile app. So I designed the prototype of a SmartHome app which lets  a user control the doors, windows and some electronic appliances of his/her house.

My Responsibilities:

To ideate, a simple mobile app, draw its wireframes and build an interactive paper prototype.


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Vleepo Dating App - Interactive Prototype


This is one of my academic group projects while I was pursuing UXD program at Humber College. We were supposed to redesign the Vleepo Social Networking App with better Usability, Accessibility and Visual Appearance following Agile Methodology. So my team and I together have done its user interviews, surveys and usability tests on the existing Vleepo app, and then based on the research outcomes, we redesigned the app.

My Responsibilities:

To design the look and feel of each and every page of the app by following the new wireframes proposed by my team.


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