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Portfolio / Visual Arts



Shiva Shanker

He was my ex-colleague at Cognizant Hyderabad. His face looks like one of the popular telugu balladeer, Gaddar. So I've made his caricature look like Gaddar.

This caricature has been drawn on a sheet of paper and then used to create his official Birthday Email Newsletter.

Guru Vinjamuri

He was my ex-manager at Cognizant Hyderabad. He looks chubby and his face resembles the Pears fruit. So I have exaggerated his facial features to look like pears fruit.

This caricature has been created in Adobe Photoshop for his official Birthday Email Newsletter.


Sumanth Dullur

He was my ex-manager at Cognizant Hyderabad. His face is cubical so, I have exaggerated his lower jaw and made it look cubical and amusing.

This caricature has been drawn to create the official email newsletter of his 7th work anniversary at Cognizant.

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